Information & Resources
Have questions about the Cal Grant, what it is, how to apply, requirements, and eligibility? The information provided here will answer those questions for you and more.
What is It?
Visit the California Student Aid Commission Website Here
State Grant
How to Apply for State Grants
To apply for a Cal Grant or Graduate Fellowship, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or DreamAct and file it between January 1 and the Cal Grant March 2 deadline. Also complete any additional application requirements such as providing the Student Aid Commission with a verified grade point average of test scores. The Financial Aid Office has complete application materials and information. Remember that for special aid programs some schools may have other application requirements and filing dates. Start your research early to be sure you have complete details and can meet the various deadlines.
GPA Verification
If you do not have at least 24 units completed at the end of the semester, prior to submission, at VVC, you would need to have your GPA submitted by your prior high school (or college) that you attended. If your former school does not submit GPAs electronically (find out!), you can you log into WebGrants through California State Aid Commission (CSAC).
If you have 24 or more completed (posted) units at the end of Winter Intersession, VVC will submit your GPA for you electronically, prior to the March 2nd deadline. You only need to complete and submit your FAFSA/DreamAct by March 2nd in order to be considered for a Cal Grant.
If you have less than 24 completed units at VVC at the end of the Fall Semester, you will need to complete a GPA Verification form and submit to your high school or institution where you have the units completed. The form is available from the button above. You must also submit the FAFSA/DreamAct on or before March 2nd.
If you have been out of school 5 years or more, and have completed at least 15 but less than 24 units, VVC may submit a re-established GPA on your behalf. Please contact our office before February 15th in order to do so. You must also submit the FAFSA/DreamAct on or before March 2nd.
General Cal Grant Eligibility Requirements
All Cal Grant applicants must:
- Be California residents or AB 540 eligible
- Be U.S. citizens, eligible non-citizens or AB 540 eligible
- Meet U.S. Selective Service requirements
- Attend an eligible California qualifying post-secondary institution.
- Be enrolled at least half-time
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined at school of attendance
- Have family income and assets below the established ceilings
- Not have earned a Bachelor's Degree
- Not be in default on any student loan
- Not own any federal or state grant refund
Cal Grant A, B or C
Cal Grant A, B, or C applicants must have financial need, be legal California residents attending and eligible school in California, be in a program of study leading directly to an undergraduate degree or certificate, and not possess a baccalaureate degree prior to receiving an award. A student can accept only one Cal Grant. The Financial Aid Office has complete Cal Grant eligibility and application information.
- Cal Grant A helps low-and middle-income students with tuition / fee costs. The minimum eligible course length is two academic years. Cal-Grant A Access awards will be available Spring 2020 for those that qualify. Currently at $1656. Students with qualifying dependent(s) may receive up to $6000*.
- Cal Grant B provides a living allowance for very low-income students. More than half of all new Cal Grant B recipients begin at a public community college. The Cal Grant B award for freshmen is usually limited to the nontuition costs of attending college such as living expenses, books and supplies, transportation, etc. When renewed by sophomores and above, a Cal Grant B may also cover all or part of tuition / fee costs. There are 250 special Cal Grant B awards authorized for community college students transferring to four-year colleges. The minimum eligible course length is 12 months. Currently at $1,656. Students with qualifying dependent(s) may receive up to $6008*.
- Cal Grant C helps vocational schools students with tuition and training costs. Recipients must be enrolled in a vocational program at a community or independent college or a vocational school course of study from four to 24 months in length. Graduate Fellowships are open to those who demonstrate their intent to become college or university faculty members. About 500 awards annually assist with tuition and fees at independent and public colleges and universities, current payment amount not to exceed $1,094. Students with qualifying dependent(s) may receive up to $4000*.
- *Updated Cal-Grant awards will be available Spring 2020
Cal Grant B Entitlement Awards
(New for High School Students)
Award Description: Provide grant funds for access costs for low-income students in an amount not to exceed $1672. This grant is to be used for living expenses and expenses related to transportation, supplies and books. Beginning with the second year of Cal Grant B benefits, Cal Grant B also helps pay for tuition / fees for California residents attending qualifying institutions offering undergraduate academic programs of not less than one academic year.
Awards are guaranteed for those who meet the program eligibility criteria.
Resources for Dreamers:
DreamAct Application for Financial Aid/ab540/