Maximum Units in Remedial Classes
Students at Victor Valley College are eligible to enroll in a cumulative maximum of 30 semester units of remedial classes including reading, writing, mathematics, learning skills, and study skills courses. For example, nine modules of basic skills courses are offered at the Learning Center on an open-entry, open-exit basis. Remedial classes also include English as a Second Language (ESL) courses which are designed to ensure acquisition of skills necessary for completion of associate degree, transfer, and technical courses.
Students identified by the district as being learning disabled are exempt from the 32-unit maximum. Students with other types of disabilities may be exempted on a case-by-case basis.
Waivers of this policy may be made for students who show significant, measurable progress toward the development of skills appropriate to their enrollment in college-level courses, yet need limited course work beyond the 30 semester unit limit. Significant and measurable progress is defined as completion of precollegiate basic skills classes with grades of "C" or better, or a grade of "credit" if the course is categorized as mandatory credit/non-credit.
The Petitions Committee is granted the authority to issue Remedial Semester Unit Limitation waivers.
Unless provided with a waiver, students do not attain full eligibility status for college-level work within the prescribed 30 semester unit limit are to be dismissed and referred to adult non-credit education courses.
Dismissed students may petition for reinstatement for the purpose of enrolling in college-level course work upon successful completion of appropriate adult noncredit classes or upon demonstration of skill levels which can reasonably be expected to assure success in college-level courses.