Concerts and other special events can always be enjoyed at the Victor Valley College Performing Arts Center, located east of the Jacaranda entrance.
Victor Valley College maintains a master calendar of events scheduled to take place in the Performing Arts Center. To view updated show information click on the link PAC Events. Tickets are available online at VVC Tix.
The Performing Arts Center houses a proscenium theatre, known as the Main Stage, that seats 463 people and a Black Box theatre that can seat up to 120 depending on the performance configuration. Both stages have professional lighting systems and digital sound systems. The Main Stage is ideal for performances of classical and popular music, drama, dance, lectures, and a variety of other college or community-sponsored cultural events. The Black Box houses more intimate performances put on by the Theatre Arts Department.
Community groups wishing to use the facility should contact the Performing Arts Center at 760-245-4271 ext. 2445/2441 regarding available dates. For ticket information, call 760-245-4271 ext. 2495.
If you or someone you know would like to donate to the Performing Arts Center please go here, click on "Donate Today" select "General Scholarship Fund" and in the comment section say that you would like to donate to the Performing Arts Center. Thank you!