Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a program that offers students from a community college guaranteed admission to several colleges and universities. Victor Valley College has TAGs with the following universities and colleges:
University of California TAG Program
Six UC campuses offer the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program for California community college students who meet specific requirements. Each UC's TAG has unique and specific criteria pertaining to GPA, general education, major preparation, and transferable unit requirements.
Visit the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) to review the TAG Matrix, the online TAG form, and links to the individual UC campus TAG information and criteria.
Each of the links below will take you to the individual TAG websites for each campus in a separate window. Remember that some majors have specific major prep requirements:
Apply to the University of California
Step 1
Decide which of six participating UC's you want to TAG. Review the TAG Matrix for a full list of participating campuses, programs, and individual requirements.
Step 2
Create a Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) Account to begin your TAG and admission applications. Deadline to submit your UC TAG Application is September 30th.
Step 3
Complete your remaining coursework and meet the GPA requirements in your TAG agreement.
Step 4
Submit your UC admission application by November 30th.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities TAG
California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to a participating HBCU. There are 39 participating HBCUs that offer guaranteed admission. Thanks to an agreement signed March 17, 2015, between the California Community Colleges and select HBCUs, California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to a participating HBCU.
HBCU Transfer Guarantee
California community college transfer students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher (NOTE: certain partner HBCU will require a higher GPA) are guaranteed admission to HBCU partner schools using either of the following two options:
- Complete a minimum of 30 UC or CSU units, OR
- Complete an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) using the IGETC or the CSU-GE pattern.
Students who qualify for this guarantee can also receive an application fee waiver code for the online Common Black College Application to apply to a participating partner HBCU (four max). There may be additional prerequisites or other requirements for certain majors.
For more information on, please visit: HBCU Transfer Guarantee
Private/Out-of-State University TAG Program
Arizona State University (ASU): MyPath2ASU
Honors Program/Honors Transfer Council of California (HTCC)
VVC is an HTCC member college. Participating in the Honor's Program at VVC provides you with more rigorous, challenging instruction in a smaller classroom setting to better prepare you for a smoother transition to the four-year university. In addition, you are able to conduct and participate in research and you can have the opportunity to present your research at the annual HTCC student conference and be eligible for scholarships. Students who become a part of the HTCC also have the opportunity to participate in transfer agreements with a variety of well-known and respected four-year universities. To view the list of universities VVC has transfer agreements with through the HTCC, please visit the HTCC website. To learn more about how to become a participant in the Honors Program at VVC, please visit the the VVC Honors Program website. For more information about the VVC Honors Program, contact Tim Adell at